Diver­si­ty Commitment

The con­tents of this com­mit­ment will be reviewed and updat­ed annu­al­ly. Revi­sion 1:

Diver­si­ty is being invit­ed to the par­ty; Inclu­sion is being asked to dance and Belong­ing is danc­ing like no-one is watch­ing. Equal­i­ty is being on the par­ty plan­ning team.”

The name, Faith In Strangers, speaks to an ide­al, trust between peo­ple that have nev­er met and beyond that, an under­stand­ing that open hearts and minds will give peo­ple oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn and grow from each other.

Faith In Strangers has a respon­si­bil­i­ty as an employ­er, a venue, a plat­form and a brand to play its small part, in the fight for equal­i­ty for all. Our goal is to help to bring peo­ple togeth­er, pro­mote equal­i­ty and to find com­mon ground through shared expe­ri­ences in art, music, cre­ativ­i­ty and discovery.

Under­stand­ing and rep­re­sent­ing the his­to­ry, her­itage and cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance of what we choose to plat­form is of the utmost impor­tance to us. We respect the weight car­ried and the dis­tance ran, by the pio­neers and orig­i­na­tors. It is not lost on us that much of the music, art and cul­ture that we love comes from groups and peo­ple that have often suf­fered from oppres­sion and othering.

Faith In Strangers wants to be a safer space. We will work with pro­mot­ers and groups with a track record of cre­at­ing safe spaces, in addi­tion to enforc­ing our house rules robustly.