Book our Ter­race Lounge

Wel­come to the best kept secret in town: Margate’s seav­iew venue, bar & kitchen. Hello@​faithinstrangers.​co.​uk // 01843621337

Faith In Strangers is the per­fect, unique venue for your next event. This is your chance to host at an icon­ic venue of the future.

It’s been built as a mod­ern dis­cothèque so is ide­al for cor­po­rate cel­e­bra­tions, par­ties and large get-togeth­­ers such as birth­days and wed­ding recep­tions. We have a ful­ly oper­a­tional com­mer­cial kitchen so can also cater to large din­ing events, with wine pairings.

If you’re plan­ning an event, birth­day par­ty, work’s do, reunion or any large get togeth­er, our Ter­race Lounge is per­fect to host your gath­er­ing. Your group can take over the large pri­vate space with two ban­quet tables, soft seat­ing and pri­vate use of the seav­iew ter­race, whilst still hav­ing access to the main venue.

We want to help make your event a suc­cess, so please talk to us about your plans and we will be hap­py to help.

  • Consider a champagne or aperitif on arrival

  • A selection of table wines

  • Your own private keg of rare or specialist beer

  • Cocktail tasting packages

  • Special event tickets (see below)

Our Ter­race Lounge venue hire is free but requires a £1000 min­i­mum spend. We also require a deposit of £250 which is ful­ly refundable.

You and your guests can spend your drinks tab through­out the night.

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What’s on?

When choos­ing a date, head over to our What’s On page to see what’s hap­pen­ing at Faith In Strangers when you are plan­ning your event. If there is a tick­et­ed Spe­cial Event you will be giv­en the low­est price avail­able and tick­ets will be deduct­ed from your min­i­mum bar spend.

Inter­est­ed in Full Venue Hire?

Our venue is per­fect for prod­uct launch­es, brand takeovers, large birth­days, cel­e­bra­tions, wed­dings and cor­po­rate events. Full Venue hire is avail­able on the week­ends and week­day evenings or in spe­cial cir­cum­stances avail­able any day of the week.

Capac­i­ty:350 Stand­ing / 140 Seated

Full Venue Hire info

Hid­den from the pub­lic view, jour­ney on up the secret entrance and through two bespoke light and audio art instal­la­tions (which you can cus­tomise to your pref­er­ence) to an envi­ron­ment that’s been designed from the ground up to stim­u­late all the sens­es and inter­act with the audi­ence to cre­ate that awe inspir­ing fac­tor that will kick the events off with a high ener­gy atmos­phere from all of your attendees.

To car­ry on inspir­ing the ener­gy, you could cus­tomise the playlist on our bespoke built juke­box in the restrooms.

Get in con­tact to let us know how we can help you put on a spe­cial event. 

Hello@​faithinstrangers.​co.​uk // 01832621337